New options designed to improve your Experience Builder user experience.
Everyone has that friend—at a birthday party or a work thing, who never seems to recognize when it’s the proper time to leave. Fortunately, the new workflow settings in Experience Builder can help ensure customers in a campaign never overstay their welcome. Experience Options enable you to set criteria at the workflow level, giving you control over when and how a customer enters or exits a targeted experience—for example, limiting multiple or simultaneous journeys, requiring specific segment criteria, or satisfying exit criteria, like a purchase.Optimise experience workflows with ease while applying more granular control
Unlock experience entries and exits as selectable filters for measurement and analysis
Apply node exits and unique events to measure the effectiveness of different tactics
Contact your Zeta account manager or sales representative to learn more.
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The 2023 Winter Launch Box at a Glance:
Forecasting Calendar
Propensity Scores
Personal Dashboard
Zeta Live ID Graph
Data Warehouse Mapping
Experience Builder Workflow Settings